Generally any one 18 years of age or older who was born after 1956 should get at least one dose of the MMR vaccine unless they can show that they have had either the vaccines or the disease.
However, pregnant women and any patients with a life threatening allergic reaction to gelatin or neomycin or a previous dose of MMR should not receive the vaccine. Patients with HIV or other immunocompromised conditions should first check with their doctors before considering the vaccine. Women who have received the vaccine should not get pregnant for 4 weeks after receiving the vaccine. There may be some side effects with the vaccine.
Around 14 days after infection the following symptoms begin to appear:
--Cold-like symptoms, such as runny nose, watery eyes, swollen eyelids, and sneezing.
--Red eyes and sensitivity to light.
--A mild to severe temperature, which may peak over 38°C (100.4°F) for several days. After several days temperature may fall, but may go up again when the rash appears.
--Tiny greyish-white spots (called Koplik's spots) in the mouth and throat.
--Aches and pains.
--Dry cough.
--Red-brown spotty rash that appears 3-4 days after first symptoms and last for up to 7 days. The spots usually start behind the ears, spread around the head and neck and after 2-3 days to the legs and around the rest of the body. The spots start small but quickly get bigger and often join up together. Similar looking rashes may be mistaken for measles, but measles has a range of symptoms, not just a red rash.
There is no specific treatment.

Refereces: please see specific links.
Photos courtesy of: themicrobialworld, Northeast Valley General Practice.
How long does the disease last? And besides the temporary pain, are there any long term effects?
If we had the vaccine when we were kids, which I assume most of us did, do we need to get it again? Can we get it through your office here?
When did the AMA start recommending that all kids get vaccinated? IOW, if I'm pretty sure that my parents would have gotten me all vaccinations recommended by the AMA, can I assume that I've been vaccinated? (I was born in the USA in 1967).
The disease lasts 10-14 days.
Some complications may be pneumonia, meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the nervous system), or ear infection.
The disease can be more severe in adulthood.
It is best to get the vaccine through your regular doctor's office. Just about every one should have been vaccinated as a child in the U.S. but it is the second dose which is sometimes missed. If the second dose cannot be documented then the CDC recommends a booster for those who are not pregnant or immunosuppressed and who are older than 18 years and who were born after 1956.
Measles vaccine became available in 1963. An improved measles vaccine became available in 1968. Combination measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine became available in 1971.
I understand that it is also possible to treat exposed patients with measles immunoglobulin.
When should adults who have been exposed to measles have vaccine and when should they have measles immunoglobulin?
Can pregnant women have measles immunoglobulin safely?
My wife recently suffering measles for last 7 days, although she is not pregnent but is there any restriction to get pregnent after measles?
I had the measles during my childhood, may I affect again by this disease?
What would be the diet plan after recovering is there any specific vitamins required?
Mubasshir, you don't need to worry about catching the disease again if you have already had it. Once your wife has recovered completely, then there shouldn't be any restrictions on getting pregnant.
Dear Dr, I have 5 adult friends who have recently been diagnosed with measles, one of them has had it 3 times, according to the doctor. Is this likely? We are expats living in Nigeria. Many thanks.
It would be highly unlikely to get measles 3 times. Normally after the first exposure, the body produces antibodies to fight off future exposures.
Dear Dr. Razavi,
I am a 24-year-old female and few months ago had rubeola. It was a very tough experience as I had to battle it alone. I have been reading about its symptoms and my case differs a bit.
The symptoms started at least one month before the fever broke out. I would have swollen eyelids randomly every other day, as if it was an allergic reaction. Then small bumps would appear on my arms and legs which itched terribly. These symptoms gradually amplified, mainly affecting my limbs, eyelids, and my lips. Only after a month did I have very high fever, but my temperature would alternate between 40C and 35.5C within a matter of hours. My throat was also terribly swollen to the point where I could barely speak.
I believe it was rubeola because a blood test ran specifically for this virus came back as positive. My question is: Based on the symptoms above, could this have been anything other than rubeola (or atypical rubeola) despite the blood test results?
I appreciate your help and thank you for creating this blog - it is very helpful!
Hi Diana
The blood test for rubeola may either indicate a recent infection (IgM antibody titer) or an old infection (IgG titer) so it depends on which one was done.
can you advise i have Mutiple sclerosis and have just found out a relatives child has measles, is there any danger with my condition to have contact\?
You should check with your doctor regarding your susceptibility, but in general if you have had the vaccine or the disease as a child then there should be immunity to the virus.
My brother who is 51 years old was having excruciating NECK PAIN and headache with temperature ... was admitted to hospital last week . He was told that he has Measle . He had this when he was small but apparently the virus is still in his body in his spine. Can this really be true??? He is very ill at present .... Thank you ...
Jayapandoo, it would be quite unusual to get measles again at his age if he has already had a history of it. Neck pain and fever would make me think about ruling out meningitis and other infectious causes. I wish him a quick recovery.
Hi Dr.,
is it alright to take a bath if you have measles?
In general bathing with lukewarm water and not very hot water should be fine.
if you get it as a child, is it true that you would no longer get it as an adult?
Theoretically, if one develops measles in childhood then there should be enough antibodies to protect against re-infection.
Dear Dr. Razavi,
I am 25 years old from Indonesia. I am now got "like" measles. I had measles 3 times in my life. Now I got it again, but a bit different. I did not get any fever, suddenly I got small rash on my arms, the rash getting much, but I didn't get any bad fever, cold sometimes at night. It's been a week, and my rash still not cover up all my body. mostly on my neck, back , shoulder, a bit in my abdomen. I feel the rash spread so slow. Is it normal? Now I feel cold more often, and rash is still slow spreading. Oh, I feel my tongue hurt if I move it. Something inflamed on the back part.
Many thanks,
PS: sorry for my poor english
Prima, you should check with your doctor to see if there are any other possible causes for this rash. It would be highly unlikely to have measles without a fever.
dear Dr,Iam 43 years old and got measles right now on. it became very terrible when happen in this age. starts with high fever for 4 day and paracetamol not helpful then I use brufen. all my joint fell pain until very difficult to move. finally the rash appear starts from my right foot and spread in to my legs and stomach. now Im fell weak almost I loose of 80% my power. but the rash going disappear. hopely it will be normal in several days.
Dear dr
My husband is 28 years old, he has measels. Is it safe for him to travel in a car as a passenger?
Doctor my 23 year old friend has contracted measles. The rashes made an appearance today. And I met him 2 days back. I'm worried that I might have contracted the virus. I was vaccinated when I was young(both the doses). I wanted to know if the vaccination which i took then will hold? Because I've heard that the newer strains of the virus are on the loose.
And is there anyt immunoglobulin or an antibody shot which I can take just in case?
If you have received both doses of the vaccine then it is much less likely that you will contract the disease. There is a blood test that can be done to see if you have sufficient antibody in your system. Your doctor can order that for you.
Dear Corne
I am not clear if your question is regarding his general health safety or if you are inquiring about him being infectious and exposing others in the car to measles. Either way it is best to check with your doctor as more details are needed to be able to answer this question accurately. I wish him quick recovery.
My daughter has the measles and the rash cam out yesterday, I'm not sure if I've had measles I've had german measles, I thought she was catching my cold as I have had all the symptoms of measles but not the rash? Is it possible I have it also or is there always a rash?
Thanks for your help
Hi dr,
i'm sriram, and i'm 23 years of age . One year(dec 2009) ago i was suffering from herpes zooster which lasted for one week after which i was cured . Now march 2011 i've been suffering from measles . Why do i get similar kinda virus effects even though i have been vaccinated in my childhood ? Also my symptoms of measles seems to be rashes which appeared on my body and rise in body temperature . 2 days later rashes reduced but itching is there . I'm worried how much days still i'll have to suffer measles
Hi Sriram
Initially when the measles vaccine was given, it was thought that one dose would be sufficient. However, later it was realized that for adequate protection a second booster had to be given. People who have not had the booster dose may be susceptible to getting the disease. Also it may be possible in some individuals that their immune response did not produce enough antibodies to adequately fight the virus. I wish you a quick recovery. Make sure that you get adequate rest and that you have a good nutritious diet.
Dear parent of the daughter with measles,
The rash is almost always present and one of the conditions for the diagnosis of the disease. You can ask your doctor to order the blood test that determines if you have had measles, ie, if you have antibodies to measles, in which case you would know that you are protected.
Dear dr,
thank you for your response . I have a few doubts. My hand and toe fingers seems to be paining ,and i'm suffering from dysentry either. What am i supposed to do about this ? Is this a normal effect or should i consider about this especially ? Kindly advice me
Dear Sriram please consult with your doctor.
My 50 year old mother contracted measles, with rashes breaking out around 3 days back. I am to visit home after 2 days (am 22, female). Although my mother says I had been vaccined for measles when I was young, is it safe to take the vaccine as soon as I arrive home again? Will the vaccine be effective in providing immunity considering I'd take it just a few hours after reaching home?
If you have never received the vaccine then it may take some time before it can provide immunity. Proper vaccination requires 2 doses.
If the vaccination history is unclear then in general it is recommended to receive a booster.
i am 64yrs old and do not know if I have had measels or been immunised.
You say anyone born after 1957 should be. what about those of use in our 60's do we need it or would be have been vaccinated I will be travelling to USA and central America in August
There's an easy way to find out if you have been exposed or have had the vaccine. Ask your doctor for the blood test - measles antibody IgG titer. If it's positive then it means that you are immune.
Dear Dr Razavi,
im 22years old and i suffered chicken pox at the age of 18,but i've never been infected with measles.my little niece i 16months old and is suffering from measles,is there a chance that i may be infected.
Yes, if you've never had measles then there is a chance that you may be infected. Your doctor can determine with a blood test if you have previous immunity to measles, and he or she may consider giving you the vaccine. Please contact your health care provider.
My son is now 15 years of age, and had measles 2 weeks ago and has got mumps now. Which went down to the testes, the dr recomend that he stay bed and must not move around alot. But he complains of headaches, drowziness and nausia. He has a irritating cough and a little bit fever and is very pale. Should i take him back to the docter.
If there are any concerns regarding worsening symptoms or new symptoms, it is best to consult with your doctor. I wish him quick recovery.
Dear Doctor,
My son is 11 months old. He is suffering from high constant fever ranging from 100deg - 103deg from past 3-4 days. After 3-4 days, though the fever has gone but he has developed measles like red rashes on his body. He was vaccinated for measles in his 9th month. Our doctor says that this is a case of modified measles which can occur even if the person has been vaccinated as the first dose of vaccine does not give complete protection. Though he says modified measles are not serious. Request you to kindly put some clarity on this??
Thanks & Regards.
If the fever has resolved then that is a good sign. Please consult your physician if there is any signs of malaise, increased sleepiness or decreased appetite and food intake. However, if your child is otherwise acting normally and simply has a rash then it is possible that he has a modified measles and is recovering. If any doubts it is always best to consult with your personal physician.
Hello Dr.,
I am Jhoi just wanna ask i have fever now and then after a few hours my rashes appears starting at my face down to my extremities then i have flu then the rashes and the signs and symptoms appears like measles. Is it already measles?and am i allowed to bath if the fever subsides even though the rashes is still present?thanks.
Jhoi 23 @ phillipines
Jhoi 23, many different viruses can cause a fever + rash. To be sure that it is measles, it would be best to check with your doctor.
In general, it is OK to bathe with a rash, but one should not use too hot water, just lukewarm water. Also do not scrub the rash with any nylon sponges. Wash gently.
Hello Dr,
I am Carlo. I got measles this is 5th day and I think I am in healing stage. Is it okay if I take a bath even though I have these measles? I haven't taking a bath for almost 5 days! My parents and neighbors refrain me from taking a bath because they just believe it'll worsen.
Please response to my question.
Thank You!
Hi Carlo, in general it should be fine to bathe in the healing stage of measles. It is best however not to use too hot water, just lukewarm. Also it is advised to not scrub the areas very hard or to use nylon type sponges.
Glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Hi Carlo, in general it should be fine to bathe in the healing stage of measles. It is best however not to use too hot water, just lukewarm. Also it is advised to not scrub the areas very hard or to use nylon type sponges.
Glad to hear that you're feeling better.
Hi..doctor.i am 23 female.since last 1 week i feel very tired and i have fever also.but after that i got red rashes on whole body and my fingures are swelling.i caught cold also and pain in my joints.
Is it measles?
It would be best to see your doctor for an examination. Rash with fever and joint pain may be caused by several different types of viruses. I wish you a quick recovery.
Hi friends,
I've got measles 2 times before first when i was a small kid then in 2000 and then now again got it so there's no surety that you don't get it again once you have it :).
At what stage do you become infectious???
One is infectious about 4 days before the onset of the rash until about 4 days after the appearance of the rash. Most infectious period is usually before the rash appears.
Doctor I amsuffering from measles and I'm 14 years old. A/q to my mom this is my second time. The rashes firstly appeared on stomach hands and tgen the thigs. Im in great doubt about my measles. I have 103 high fever and it becomes very difficult.. When wil this stop. Im even not sure it is measles or not. Im very scared to do blood test. Doctor plzz help me and this is my 3rd day of rashed
I had my measels rash start about two weeks ago, I had a very serious fever for around 10 days, my rash has now gone, although my fingers, wrists, toes and ankles have all swollen up and hurt a lot, and I feel really tired, is this normal after measles in a 44yr old ??
Akshay, It would be unusual to get measles for a second time since your immune system should be developing antibodies to the virus after the first infection. There are many kinds of infection especially with other viruses that may present with a rash. It may be worthwhile to follow up with your doctor.
I wish you a quick recovery.
Measles can occur at any age if you do not have immunity to it. Several viral infections may also cause temporary pain or swelling in joints. Please check with your doctor if your symptoms persist.
dear doctor,
i have measles but i noticed that mine is just a mild case, the rash did not spread all over my body, only both my arms has it mostly distal part and that's it. no rash on my neck, face body.I took antibiotics/medicine for my sore throat and dry cough only had fever once and now i feel better no cough and colds no sore throats but the rashes are still there only lighter in color but more itchy...why is that? and how long will this last? does this mean i'm recovering? and can this affect others now that its nearly gone.please advice, my daughter who's three did not get infected because she had this before when she was still a baby (7mos old) but is there still a possibility? thank you and more power
Measles rash usually lasts about 6 days.
Your daughter should not be susceptible to catching it again if she has already had measles.
Dear Dr.Razavi,
I am a 20year old female, I've been suffering with viral fever from past 5 days and with severe head ache. I almost recovered from everything on the sixth day, i.e., today. But, in the afternoon I realized something is wrong with my hands and noticed a rash all over my hands. Kindly clarify whether these are measles :(
Dear Madhurima
Many different types of viral infections may cause a rash. However, if the rash is only on your hands then it may not be measles. Hopefully your symptoms have resolved by now, but if not then please consult your doctor.
Hi Doctor,
I am a preschool teacher and have recently heard of an out break of measles (I live in Australia)
I'm vaccinated as are 90% of the children in my care.
However I do have children that are not vaccinated as well as pregnant parents and staff members.
Is the 'infectious' period before the rash presents itself ?? It is a hard call to determine if exclusions should be in place when they are presenting with cold like symptoms and nothing overly worrying ??
Dear Allison
Yes, the infectious period starts 3 - 4 days before the rash and it is hard to distinguish it from a common cold so you're right it is a hard call. There is no way to know for sure unless there is that first case of measles in the proximity. It is unfortunate that children are not vaccinated. This has contributed to the climbing number of cases which have occurred over last several years in many countries. Measles cases hit a 15 year high in the U.S. in 2011.
Hi Doctor,
First of all I am so happy that I found your blog, this is very helpful.
I am a new mother of a 6 weeks old baby girl. My sister got measles like rashes 4 days ago accompanied by seems like a bad sore throat and prior to the rash she had a few headaches, her rashes are almost gone now (we live in the same house). Yesterday, I noticed pink rashes in my face, neck, stomach, arms and legs and they're somewhat itchy. I don't have fever but had malaise for 2 days prior to the rash. I believed I had measles when I was 3 yrs old. My concern now is my 6 weeks old baby, will she get infected? and will it be fatal? I am afraid of bringing her to a doctor as I don't want others to get infected if she already have it in her system. I am breastfeeding her and supplementing formula 3 times a day. She seems to be well right now, I am so scared of future complications that she may get due to the measles. She also have mild cold and cough which started a week ago due to the cold weather we had.
Your advise is highly appreciated.
Thank you!
Dear mom of six week old baby,
Many different types of viral infections may cause a rash so it's unclear if this is due to measles or not, especially if you have already had measles in the past It's good that the baby is healthy, but if there's any doubt then it's best to call the doctor's office. If they suspect measles then they won't keep you in the waiting room and will probably bring you back to an exam room so that you don't need to worry about infecting others. I wish you quick recovery.
Hi Doctor,
I am a 30 year old female. I have had a severe case of measles as a baby. I recently had high fever for upto 80 hours ranging from 99.8 to 102.8. As soon as the fever broke, at the end of third day, I had rashes all over my trunk, face, neck and behind ears. I also have a dry cough that started the 3rd day of my fever and my eyelids were swollen the 2nd and 3rd day of the fever. My rapid strep and mono spot test came back negative. My WBC count is too low. The mucosa in the mouth is peeling since day 1 of fever. Could this be 2nd measles attack?
It would be less likely to develop a second case of measles if one has had a severe episode earlier in one's life since antibodies should then be able to protect against a second infection. However if the immune system is suppressed then there may be a possibility. There are several viral syndromes which may also cause a rash, and sometimes with a viral infection the white blood count may drop. I don't know if your white blood count was low before or after the infection, but
either way you should be closely monitored by your doctor.
I am 66 years old, never had measles or vaccination, was put in bed with my sister and two cousins who had measles - never caught it, would I be in any danger? Many thanks
Hi Doctor. I'm 54 years old and don't know if I've had measles or not. There seems to be some confusion over the age at which people develop immunity, if indeed you can naturally. Is 1957 a firm date/ cut off date for immunity? Regards, John.
I am 56 years old and I don't think I've ever had the vaccination nor did I have measles as a child. Should I get vaccinated?
Generally it is recommended for anyone who is born after 1956 ,who is not pregnant and who has not had the disease or been vaccinated, and who does not have any immune system issue, to get one dose of MMR - measles, mumps, rubella vaccine.
Dear 66, the only way to know if you are protected from measles by being exposed to your sister and cousins in your earlier years, is to get an antibody level to see if it is positive. This can be done with a blood test.
Johno, it is generally recommended for anyone born after 1956 who does not have any immune system deficiencies to get at least one dose of the MMR vaccine.
The only way to know if you have had measles or not is to do a blood test which checks your antibody level, however, just fyi, this can be a pricey test if not covered by insurance.
So if your an adult and you have measels does that mean you have HIV? And are there any side affects after the vaccination like swollen or tenderness to the arm?
No, having measles does not mean that you also have HIV. There may be some swelling and tenderness at the site of the injection sometimes. If there is redness that is rapidly expanding then it should be evaluated by a doctor to rule out infection at the site rather than just a benign local reaction.
hi dr! im 50 year old lady, i have measles when i was a kid and now got it again, im taking paracetamol and celestamine, my question is should i have a vacination after i recover from measles to prevent me again to have it again for the third time?
Dear Dr. razavi's
Hi good day, I am suffering a measles right now, it started last sunday afternoon, i consulted a doctor and he presciribed me a medicine namely prednisone for 3 days and a week for anti histamine, although he told me to take a bath because i do not have fever iam still hesitant to take a bath, i also worried for my son he is turning iyr old this coming sunday, the doctors said it is not advisable to give the MRR vaccine before iyr old, I hope you can enlighten me furthe about this, thank you,
It is recommended for children to get their first measles vaccine (MMR = measles/mumps/rubella) at 12 - 15 months and the second dose at 4 - 6 years of age.
If your son is turning one year old this Sunday then he should qualify for the vaccine soon.
Here's a link for the recommended schedule of childhood vaccines.
Dear 50
If you have contracted measles especially for a second time then you should have developed antibodies so that you will not get it again. A sure way to check this is by getting a blood test to check your IgG antibody titer for measles that will confirm that you have protection against another episode of measles.
I have measles now but i'm in a recovering stage already. I have no more rash except for a few brown dry like scars on my face. My question is will the brown like scars completely disappear? And how will i know if i'm completely healed and not contagious anymore? Because i have a baby and i don't want her to be contaminated. Thank you so much!
How true it is that when you expose a person who has measles in air will get worsen, because my mother in law doesn't want my baby to go out and I wanted her to have a check up in doctor to confirm is she really has measles.
Sharon, it is not true that being exposed to air will make your baby's condition worse. You are correct that an evaluation by a doctor will be worthwhile. Just make sure that you do not expose other people to the baby if you think that she may be contagious.
Marle Joy
The best way to avoid scarring is to avoid sun exposure to that area as much as possible. It may take up to a year for the skin color to return to its baseline. It also depends on how the skin has healed previously for other wounds. Some people form darker scars and some lighter.
Generally one is no longer contagious about 4 days after the rash appears and the fever has resolved.
Marle Joy
The best way to avoid scarring is to avoid sun exposure to that area as much as possible. It may take up to a year for the skin color to return to its baseline. It also depends on how the skin has healed previously for other wounds. Some people form darker scars and some lighter.
Generally one is no longer contagious about 4 days after the rash appears and the fever has resolved.
Marle Joy
The best way to avoid scarring is to avoid sun exposure to that area as much as possible. It may take up to a year for the skin color to return to its baseline. It also depends on how the skin has healed previously for other wounds. Some people form darker scars and some lighter.
Generally one is no longer contagious about 4 days after the rash appears and the fever has resolved.
Marle Joy
The best way to avoid scarring is to avoid sun exposure to that area as much as possible. It may take up to a year for the skin color to return to its baseline. It also depends on how the skin has healed previously for other wounds. Some people form darker scars and some lighter.
Generally one is no longer contagious about 4 days after the rash appears and the fever has resolved.
Hello, good doctor!
Thank you very much for the very helpful blog. I suffered from light fever (37.8 degrees Celsius max) and felt weak for two days. Yesterday, I was surprised to find facial rash. This morning, I woke up and found that there are a few spots in both my arms and chest. I don't have any fever, and don't feel weak (I feel great, actually) but I have this dry cough. Doctor's diagnosis was a systemic viral infection, but my mom's afraid that these are measles. Can I get your opinion on this?
I beleave that I have measles, I am however waiting on blood tests to confirm, but the rash is all over my body and face aswell as my feet and are now blistering I am in constant pain and am wondering if there are any signs I can look for that this virus is passing
Dear R Ashley
Best to wait until your blood test result is finalized so you can know your diagnosis more definitively. If this is measles then a sign of recovery would be the rash fading and the fever subsiding.
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