Wednesday, March 07, 2007

World Kidney Day on March 8

Kidneys are the unsung organs of the body. Heart, lung, and brain tend to be in the spotlight but without proper kidney function, they are at risk of failure. March 8 has been identified as World Kidney Day to raise awareness of the prevalence and prevention of kidney disease.
Globally about 500 million people have some form of chronic kidney disease. 1.5 million people are on dialysis or transplant. 80% of these individuals are in the developed world because the cost is too burdensome for those in the developing world. The most common causes of kidney disease in the developed world are diabetes and hypertension. The incidence is increasing as the prevalence of these diseases increases in both the developed and developing countries.
Kidney disease is detected easily through a blood and urine test which is ordered by your doctor.
You are considered to be at high risk for kidney disease if you have any of the following:
-- high blood pressure or diabetes.
-- obesity, defined as body mass index of 30 or more.
-- a smoking history.
-- an age of 50 or older.
-- a family history of kidney disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.
There are interventions which may help reduce the progression of kidney disease so please consult your doctor if you think that you may be at risk.
Photo: courtesy of


Anonymous said...

ice post a lot more people should pay attention to what their kidneys tell them I have a brother in law that has to do dialysis and it's no fun always have to go get it done can't plan too many long outings. Doc told him he had to get o n a Weight Loss plan and stick to it before he started to do dialysis but he did not listen and now he's stuck

Anonymous said...

Many just live their lives and pay no attention to their bodies unil they become ill.
The problem with kidneys, are you can't see them. So its not until you are in pain, do you go to the doctors.
In a world which is becomming fatter, where the taste of food is more imprtant than the nutritional value, I think more people than ever will get kidney issues.


Anonymous said...

Great blog! I also am a Doctor. Yes, Diabetic neuropathy is an early manisfestation, and affects nearly 30% of diabetics. In most it is symptomless in most. Its important to keep track of the kidneys in diabetes. I also have a diabetes site for more information see Diabetes.

Anonymous said...

salam,pishaapish eyde Norooz ra be shoma hamvatane azize moghime america tabrik arz mikonam,omidvaaram saale shamsie khoobi hamrah ba movafaghiathaye roozafzon pisheroo dashte bashid,gharaz az mozahemat inast ke bande modatie mikham ba shoma tabaadole link konam vali khodam ra dar aan haddo andaaze nemidaanestam(page ranke paiin) vali goftam del be darya bezanam va in jesaarat ra bekonam ke pishnahaade tabadole link ba yeki az pezeshkaane sherkate azimi mesle Google tabadole link konam,banaabarin link shoma ra gozaashtam ta digar har toor maayel boodid raftar sepaas az vaghti ke gozashtid baraye khaandane in comment,ghorbaane shoma-Mehdi Zolfaghari-Arak-Iran.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the diabetes information. I have compiled 149 diabetes-related articles. I hope you find them useful...

Anonymous said...

diabetes articles