Understanding the limitations of refractive surgery and having a realistic expectation is an important factor for a successful outcome. Your suitability for the procedures can be determined following a comprehensive eye examination. At that time, special measurements of the eyes will be performed. If you wear contact lenses, you should discontinue them for at least 2 weeks (soft contacts) or 4 weeks (gas permeable or hard lenses) before the examination, since contact lenses can interfere with obtaining accurate measurements.
The amount of correction that has been approved for treatment is between -1.0 and -10.0 D for nearsightedness (myopia), between 0.75 and 4.0 D for astigmatism, and between + 1.0 and 4.0 D for farsightedness (hyperopia). Presbyopia, the natural aging process of the eye, which causes the need for reading glasses after the age of 40 cannot be corrected by these procedures. You may be a candidate for LASIK or PRK if you have the correct measurements and you are at least 21 years old, have healthy eyes, are free of any medical or eye disorders that may interfere with healing, and have had a stable prescription for a minimum of one year. You should not be pregnant and you should not be breast feeding at or near the time of the procedure.
The technology is extremely precise with each pulse of the laser removing microscopic amounts of tissue (0.25 micron) under computerized control. The unpredictability in laser vision correction occurs because every person and every eye heals differently.
Reference: Dr. Neil Friedman
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شاد باشيد
Hi Dr Razavi, it's a lot of great information in your blog. Eventhough some of the terms that I coundn't understand, but it a nice exposure for me. Thanks
Thank you for your article and for your contribution to restoring your patients' eye sight. Unfortunately, about one third of the world's population has some problems with their vision. Nevertheless thanks to eye doctors like you we are able to see the world with our new clear vision and at last can get rid of eye glasses and contact lenses.
I was told by my "eye doctor" that I am not a candidate for Laser Vision Correction. Do I have any other options?
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